St Mary the Virgin


Holy Week and Easter Services 2025


Sunday 13th April

Palm Sunday

10am Euchaist with Blessing of the Palms in church
5.30pm Choral Evensong in Church


Thursday 17th April

Maundy Thursday

7.30pm Eucharist followed by Watching at the Altar of Repose,
concluding with Compline at 10pm


Friday 18th April

Good Friday

10-12noon - Cross Purposes in St Mary's Church Hall, Mortona Carr Lane, Nunthorpe (Family fun, with crafts
and snacks)
2pm-3pm An hour at the cross in church 

Sunday 20th April


5.45am Dawn Service - outdoors in the churchyard, followed by
coffee and doughnuts in the church. 
10am Festival Eucharist in church 
5.30pm Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer, in church.


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