The Nunthorpe Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of the Parish.
It is made up as follows:
- The Vicar or Priest-in-Charge (Chairman)
- Two Church Wardens, elected annually by a meeting of the Parishoners.
- An Honorary Treasurer
- An Honorary Secretary
- A number of lay members, elected annually by those on the Electoral Roll of the Parish.
- Members of the clergy licenced to the Parish.
The Nunthorpe PCC meets regularly throughout the year. It is divided up into a number of teams, including:
- The Fabric Team, looking after the Parish owned buildings, also maintenance and upkeep of the churchyard and Millennium garden
- The Social Events Team, looking after social events, which help to promote a sense of community in the parish.
- The Finance Team, which directs the finances of the Parish and makes recommendations on use of resources.
- The Communications Team, which promotes good communication within the organisation and with the wider community, through various forms of advertising.
These Teams meet as required and report back to the PCC at each meeting.
The Parish also appoints:
- A Safeguarding Officer in keeping with its commitment to protect children and vulnerable people engaged in Parish actvities.
- An Electoral Roll Officer, who manages the Electoral Roll.
- A Church Adminstrator, who helps with the paperwork, and runs the Parish Office.
- Three Deanery Synod representatives.
Nominees for PCC membership must be:
• at least sixteen years of age;
• actual communicants;
• on the Electoral Roll of this Parish for at least six months.
They must have a Proposer and Seconder who must be on the Electoral Roll of this Parish. No person shall be nominated unless they have signified their consent to serve, or there is in the opinion of the meeting sufficient evidence thereof. No person shall be nominated if they are disqualified from serving by the Church Representation Rules (see below).
PCC Members as Trustees
As St Mary's is registered as a charity (Register No. 1134124), the members of the PCC also act as Trustees of the charity. They must therefore, upon election, sign a declaration that they are a fit and proper person to be a Trustee.
Disqualification from being on the PCC.
A person shall be disqualified from being nominated, chosen or elected or from serving as a member of a parochial church council, a district church council or any synod under these rules if the person: • is disqualified from being a charity trustee under section 178 of the Charities Act 2011 and the disqualification is not for the time being subject to a waiver by the Charity Commission. • is included in a barred list (within the meaning of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006) • has been convicted of an offence mentioned in Schedule 1 to the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (unless the person's disqualification under this sub-section has been waived in writing by the bishop of the diocese in question.) • has been so disqualified from holding office under section 10(6) of the Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) Measure [1977]
Annually, a year book, containing the Parish Accounts and various reports from constituent groups, is prapared on behalf of the PCC, by the Parish Secretary and Treasurer. This is presented to the parishoners at annual General Meeting.
Click to down load the Annual Accounts and Report 2018-2019