St Mary the Virgin


Who's Who

Rev'd Tessa Stephens - Vicar of St Mary's, Nunthorpe

Our Vicar
The Rev'd Tessa Stephens Contact

Tel. 01642 285413

Please contact Tessa with enquiries about Baptisms and Funerals 

Tessa was Chaplain to Teesside University and Associate Minister at St Barnabas’, Linthorpe, prior to coming to Nunthorpe.

Assistant Curate (Part Time)
Rev'd Lisa Opala Contact

Lisa joined the parish as Assistant Curate on Sunday 27th June 2021 following her deconing at York Minster on 26th June.

Lisa is also a member of the Chaplaincy Team at the James Cook University Hospital. (Tel. 01642 854802)

Licenced Reader

Janet Hinton 

Church Warden

David Young

Church Warden

Janet Barker

Linda Smith - Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Officer 

Linda Smith

Please see the Safeguarding page for more inofrmation.


Hon. Secretary 

Gary Cox


Acting Hon. Treasurer 

Gary Cox

Liz Taylorson

Church Administrator

Liz Taylorson Contact
01642 973299

Liz will be in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 9am until 12noon. Please telephone to make an appointment before arriving at the office. The Church Administrator is also responsible for Hall Bookings (see below).


Hall Bookings

Hall booking are handled by the Church Administrator - see above.  Please call the office during opening hours (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings or use the Contact Us page.


Electoral Roll Officer

Christine Young

To contact any of the above team members, please see the Contact Us page.



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